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Showing posts from December 19, 2018

Christmas In Ottawa

Christmas In Ottawa - Special Events A couple of special events take place at Parliament Hill and Buildings at different times of the year. These events are usually exciting and worth looking out for. They include the following: Christmas Lights Across Canada – The official illumination ceremony is usually held at Parliament Hill where hundreds of thousands of lights are lit. The confederation Boulevard and the Hill glisten throughout the month of December. This is usually a beautiful sight. You will do well to stroll here in the evening to enjoy the ambiance.

Top Tourist Attraction in France

Top Tourist Attraction in France - I had the opportunity to visit the valley of Vercors, which was absolutely beautiful and surrounded by enormous mountains, as well as Grotte de la Luire. Here we were able to explore a beautiful cave and see (but unfortunately not participate in) spelunking. The tour involved manufacturing our own candles out of beeswax as well as a beautiful light show among the rocks of the cave. I would also say that a drive around the surrounding area of Grenoble is worth anyone’s time. Simply seeing the beautiful mountains passing by occupied me for hours.