Holiday in Montreal Canada The province of Québec is primarily a French society thanks to its language and its culture. In 1974, the National Assembly (Québec’s parliament) proclaimed French to be the official language of Québec .
The population is 83% francophone, while 11% of Québecers speak English in the home and 6% another language, i.e. Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Vietnamese or Portuguese. More than 40% of Québec’s population is bilingual, i.e. speaks French and English. In Montréal, where this percentage is 64%, a full 16% of the population also knows a third language.
Located at the north-eastern tip of the North American continent, Québec covers an immense territory. Its 1,667,926-km 2 (643,990-sq. mi.) surface is equivalent to three times the size of France, five times the size of Japan, twice the size of Texas and seven times the size of the United Kingdom, making it Canada’s largest province . The province of Québec is primarily a French society thanks to its language and its culture. In 1974, the National Assembly (Québec’s parliament) proclaimed French to be the official language of Québec .
What Language do people speak in Montreal?
About seventy percent of Montreal’s inhabitants speak French at home. Thirteen percent speak English as a first language. Although many people speak French, the city has the largest bilingual population in the world.
You won’t have a problem if you speak only English. Italian, Arabic, and Spanish are the next most popular languages spoken in the homes of Montrealers, each making up about three percent of the population.
The population is 83% francophone, while 11% of Québecers speak English in the home and 6% another language, i.e. Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Vietnamese or Portuguese. More than 40% of Québec’s population is bilingual, i.e. speaks French and English. In Montréal, where this percentage is 64%, a full 16% of the population also knows a third language.
Located at the north-eastern tip of the North American continent, Québec covers an immense territory. Its 1,667,926-km 2 (643,990-sq. mi.) surface is equivalent to three times the size of France, five times the size of Japan, twice the size of Texas and seven times the size of the United Kingdom, making it Canada’s largest province .

Montreal is a diverse North American city with European
charm. It’s located about an hour north of the Canadian border, about 350 miles
(560 km) north of New York City. It’s roughly the same size in population as
Philadelphia or Houston.
What events are held
in Montreal?
Hundreds of festivals are held each year in Montreal include the world famous Montreal JazzFestival.
The biggest jazz festival in the world. For more than a week in
July, a few blocks of the city are closed down to make room for stages and
entertainers from around the world. Tickets are needed for some shows, but
hundreds are free.
Travel Tips
If you visit for Jazz fest, make reservations in advance.
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